Become a member

The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland

– Because the world isn’t perfect

Working life is constantly changing. The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland keeps up to date with matters and is having an impact, and is there to help you. As a member, you have access to a wide range of services for a good working life.

Join and test out the membership!

When you become a member of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland, you have access to a unique Satisfaction Guarantee. You are able to explore the membership benefits and services of the Union for three months. If you do not want to continue your membership before the three-month period expires, we will give you a refund of the membership fees that you have paid.

Insinööri magazine

The magazine is only available in Finnish
Woodio investoi Lahteen

Helsinkiläinen Woodio rakentaa tehtaan Lahteen. Tehtaan on tarkoitus käynnistyä keväällä 2025.

Ennuste: Taantuma on jäämässä taakse

Suomen talouden taantuma on tutkimuslaitos Laboren mukaan jäämässä taakse.

Ensihakemusten määrä laski Koko-kassassa

Maaliskuussa Koko-kassaan tuli edellistä kuukautta vähemmän uusia päivärahahakemuksia.

e/month, median
90 %
Private sector employment
The average age
14 %
The percentage of women