
As a member of the Union, you can influence the activities of the union through your membership organization.

Each year, your membership organization elects its representative to the Assembly of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland, which exercises the highest decision-making power in the Union.

The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland acts and exerts influence following the decisions and guidelines of the Assembly. The Assembly meets in the Spring and Autumn according to the rules of the Union of Professional Engineers. The decision-making representatives of the Assembly shall be elected by each national and regional membership organizations. The statutes of the membership organization determine how they choose their representatives to the Assembly. There are currently 72 Assembly representatives.

The majority of matters dealt with annually by the Assembly is defined in the rules of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland.

The Assembly, for example, decides on the amount of the membership fee, on issues regarding membership of the conferedation union, the action plan, the budget, and the closing of accounts. Also, the Assembly consults and takes decisions on matters relating to the current activities of the Union, including the monitoring of the members’ labor market interests or cooperation with membership organizations.

Members of the Union may propose motions for the Assembly through their member organization.

The Assembly elects the Chairman and the Board of Directors every four years. The Assembly may also appoint committees or working groups to prepare the decision-making process.