Working abroad

As companies internationalize, an increasing number of people are provided with an opportunity to work abroad.

Working abroad is often beneficial: language skills improve, networks expand, and the employee gets to know different working cultures while developing their own know-how. Work experience gained abroad may also help people to start a new career back home.

Before heading abroad for work, it is advisable to clarify any matters related to work permits, social security and taxation and, naturally, the terms and conditions of the employment.

How can you find a job from abroad?

If you are seeking a new employment relationship abroad, you should start looking for the job in good time and search for work through as many channels as possible. Many jobs never end up as open vacancies, due to which developing networks and channels for seeking hidden jobs is a worthwhile effort. There are also organizations and services that assist those heading abroad for work. The list below includes good tips for working abroad:

  • EURES, the European job mobility portal
  • The Your Europe portal provides detailed, practical information on living, working and studying in Europe. The portal allows you to familiarize yourself with the social security and taxation systems of various EU states, for example.
  • Haloo Pohjola –a Nordic advisory service – provides assistance and guidance to people relocating, working and studying within the Nordic countries. The service provides diverse information on social security, for example, as well as on taxation, and on work and study opportunities.
  • SOLVIT is an online-based problem-solving network established by the EU. The service aims to help EU citizens and businesses to find quick practical solutions for problems they encounter in the single market.
  • Handbooks on social security rights in EU countries