Multiform learning

Multiform learning combines different studying methods. Multiform students usually have contact teaching only a couple of times a month, and even these can be substituted by remote lectures, independent stuyding or group work. Multiform learning makes it easier to fit together studying and e.g. working. It also enables more people to achive the education or profession that they want.

For whom is multiform learning the best choice?

Multiform learning suits you if, for example:

  • You wish to study while working and can’t take part in traditional day time teaching
  • Family matters prevent day time studies
  • You are a professional athlete
  • Your preferred education is at another city
  • You want to schedule your studies yourself and leave more space for free-time

Multiform learning also supports continuous learning if your old profession does not match the requirements of today’s working life and you need retraining.

What does it take to be a multiform learning student?

Independent studying is a big part of multiform learning and students have to be motivated and able to set their own schedules and structure for the studies. Usually multiform students graduate at the same pace as day time students or even quicker.

As a multiform student it is worth to take part in student activities and network with other students if at all possible!